Crossrope AMP Review

Crossrope AMP Review


A quick heads-up here…

This blog post is a collaboration between me and Crossrope. They sent me the AMP handles free of charge in exchange for an honest video review which is available to watch on my YouTube channel.

The main reason I agreed to do a review is because I was already a Crossrope customer.

I got my original set (Get Strong) back in 2020. The global pandemic hit and I needed a new form of cardio since tennis courts of all things were shut down.

Crossrope receipt

After watching a few videos by JumpRopeDudes I was convinced.

So when Crossrope reached out to me to do a review of their latest product, I couldn’t turn them down! It felt like a dream.

Crossrope 101

If you’re not familiar with Crossrope it’s very simple. You have a set of handles, those handles connect to ropes of varying weights, and that’s pretty much it.

Crossrope AMP Set

It’s a very modular product which is cool because you can buy as little or as much as you want. You can start with one rope, use that for a few months, and buy another one when you’re ready for it.

You simply detach a rope, re-attach another rope, and jump.

It literally takes seconds.

AMP Handles

Due to the modular nature of Crossrope the only difference with AMP, other than the real-time stats & feedback which I’ll get to in a minute, is the handles.

AMP vs. Power

The most noticeable difference between the two handles is the shape. The Power handles have a more bulbous shape while the AMP handles have a more ergonomic, hourglass shape. Personally, I prefer the shape of the AMP handles. The groove near the top is where my index finger and thumb naturally rest and the shape just feels better in my hand.

The other big difference here is weight. The AMP handles are slightly heavier than the Power handles with the AMP handles weighing 162g each while the Power handles weigh 148g each. This detail is very important since only one of the AMP handles contains a battery.

The battery itself is removable and is charged through a Micro USB port. It’s a very common charging port so there’s no need to worry about keeping track of some proprietary charging cable.

AMP Setup

As far as setup goes, I’m always a little concerned when it comes to Bluetooth. Things never seem to just…work.

Somehow I haven’t had any issues so far with AMP other than me forgetting that I have Bluetooth turned off on my phone.

Another nice feature here, if it was even intentional, is that your handles will automatically shut off just by closing the Crossrope app on your phone. This is really nice since you never want to be in a situation where your battery is drained due to carelessness rather than you just working out so much you forgot to charge them.

Quality of life touches like that are really the cherry on top of an already great product.

Crossrope App

Unlike the original Crossrope, with AMP you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the app since that’s how you access the real-time feedback.

According to Crossrope, there’s over 2,000 workouts in the app and under each one you have little videos to show you what you’ll be doing.

Crossrope Workouts

Once you’ve started the workout, these mini instructional videos will be displayed on one side of the screen with all of the real-time stats on the other half.

Crossrope Stats Dashboard

Stats & Feedback

When you use AMP and have data to go with your jump rope session, you can use this to track your progress.

I talk about this a lot with strength training - the importance of logging your lifts so that you know you’re getting stronger over time. But with jump rope I would just jump for 20-30 minutes.

Some days 20 minutes felt like nothing, other days 20 minutes felt like an hour.

Was my pace the same on both days? Was I subconsciously pushing it harder one day compared to the other, jumping faster or slower than I thought I was without realizing it?

With AMP’s dashboard, you can get answers to these questions.

Real-Time Data

They also provide a “benchmark” mode which is a great way to test yourself and your progress over time.

Crossrope Benchmark

On Day 1 with the AMP you could see how jumps you can do in your 30s or how quickly you can hit 1k jumps.

After a few weeks of training, you can come back, perform the same test, and see how you’ve progressed.

My Thoughts

Overall the experience is amazing. Everything just works.

I think the most important part about AMP is that it’s not trying too hard.

What I mean by that is it doesn’t try to reinvent jump rope. It simply takes what you already do and adds numbers to it. Compare that to something like Tonal which tries to scale the weights or resistance for you based on some internal algorithm that I don’t have a ton of faith in.

I’m usually an early adopter of tech but with Smart Fitness, I’m not. I like the simple stuff. A watch that tells me my daily steps or my heart rate. Quantifying what I already do rather than trying to change what I do and how I do it.

One day, I’m sure that technology will exist. I’m just not sure now is the right time.

Should You Buy AMP?

So, should you buy Crossrope AMP?

Personally, I think the only question that should really influence your decision is price.

  • AMP Handles ($99)
  • AMP Jump Rope Set ($199)
  • Ropeless AMP Jump Rope Set ($199)

If the workouts and the real-time tracking look interesting and fun to you and you believe it’ll keep you consistent with fitness, then I say go for it. Product quality and reliability should not be an issue for you here.

When the AMP arrives you’re not going to open it and think, “Man this feels cheap. This feels like some junk I found on AliExpress”. I promise, that’s not going to happen.

It’s a well made, high quality product that just works and the price is a reflection of that.

An escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. -Mitch Hedberg

Crossrope AMP is the smart fitness equivalent of an escalator. It can never break…it can only become a jump rope :)

Save on Crossrope Products

If AMP or any of Crossrope’s products look like a good fit for your style of training you can save 15% off your purchase by clicking this link or you can use code “ADAM” at checkout.

Crossrope AMP Review
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Crossrope AMP Review