Eat More. Lose Weight?

Eat More. Lose Weight?

One of my private coaching clients had a big a-ha moment this past week.

It’s a mindset shift that changes the dieting game forever.

“I thought with all this training stuff I would just be watching what I eat, more like cutting back, never did I think I was supposed to be eating more for my weight. Eating more to lose weight. That’s the thing. I was like, ‘wait, what?’”

The masses diet by suffering.

Restricting themselves of food and flavor, desperately hoping they’ll get used to it one day.

They won’t.

When clients follow my plan they’re able to lose weight and eat more food at the same time.

Here’s why it works so well.

Calorie Density

Picture these two approaches to weight loss.

Cid the Compromiser decides he’s going to continue indulging in food he loves, even if it’s junk, but cut back a bit.

Don the Disciplined opts for better food choices. He’s convinced eating many of the foods you’d hunt, gather, or farm are safe choices and goes grocery shopping with that mindset.

Let’s compare two meals.

big mac vs. egg

Even if Cid were to order a relatively low calorie burger at McDonalds and only eat a burger (no fries and soda!) he’s consuming just under 600 calories.

Compare this to Don who eats a 6 egg omelet with only 432 calories and 11g more of protein! An easy to digest, anabolic breakfast before his morning workout.

The 6 egg omelet beats the Big Mac nutritionally.

But more importantly, it’s more filling.

Note: I’ve been eating the 6 egg omelet quite often lately and I’m honestly surprised by how filling it is. I add a little ketchup or tzatziki, maybe a little cheese and it can easily carry me until my next meal.

Of course, this image is only to illustrate a point.

Odds are, you can afford to eat more than 432 calories for breakfast so this 6 egg omelet provides you dietary freedom.

You could choose to eat fewer eggs to add other foods to your breakfast (Greek yogurt, fruit, vegetables, sausage, avocado, potatoes, oatmeal, etc).

You could choose to add some carbs, especially pre and post workout.

You could add some fats for flavor and health. An avocado or yogurt. You’re already getting plenty from the eggs but, you know. Illustration purposes!

You could add more protein. Sausages, bacon, protein pancakes, Greek yogurt.

Meanwhile Cid the Compromiser is eating his Big Mac, or his fast food breakfast sandwich alternative, as slowly as possible savoring every last bite.

Don’t forget, he could end up giving himself just one more cheat day this week.

That’s a dangerous game to play.

I’ll take the full IHOP spread.

The Average American

I can’t help but take a minute to compare Don the Disciplined to Abe the Average American.

Abe the Average goes to McDonald’s and orders a Big Mac meal with a medium order of fries and a coke.

big mac meal vs. egg

By increasing his order to a full meal he’s now eating just over 1,000 calories in one meal!

I won’t lie to you, the Big Mac Meal is very satisfying. It tastes amazing.

But it’s not your friend.

Even if you insist on compromising, you’re fighting an uphill battle.

Lifelong habits and sustainable results require a lifestyle change.

How to cook and eat real food.

How to balance friends, family, and work with your personal lifestyle.

How to enjoy the foods you eat.

How to enjoy a Big Mac now and then without feeling like you’ll get fat.

what i eat 1. Fajitas (restaurant) 2. Steak & potatoes (home) 3. Eggs, potatoes, peppers, and onions (home)

Your social circle will be asking you how you did it. They’ll be living like Cid or Abe, wondering why nothing is changing.

Meanwhile you’ll be living like Don.

You put in the work, day after day.

You play the long game.

You build the habits people would pay money for if life were a video game.

When you’ve lived this, you won’t want to go back to your old ways.

You’ll be at the party, shirtless, enjoying ice cream with them while they try to figure out “the secret”.

“Well he’s eating ice cream! How come I get fat and he doesn’t?”

You smile and listen.

Unfortunately, you know they won’t.

Learning how to live like this is what my 1-on-1 coaching is all about.

Ready to get started?

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