

How to Fix Skinny Fat

The Skinny Fat body type is rampant in the modern, Western world. Here's how to fix it.

Eat More. Lose Weight?

This is how my coaching clients eat more food and lose weight at the same time.

Should Exercise Change Your Daily Calorie Limit?

Should you increase your daily calorie limit when you exercise?

Do Weekends Ruin Your Calorie Deficit?

Can you lose weight while eating above maintenance calories on the weekend?

Stop Planning. Start Living.

The perfect plan is a trap. Here's how to avoid it.

America’s Weight Is Out of Control

Roughly 75-80% of Americans are overweight or obese and they don't even know it.

Do Nasal Strips Increase Performance?

This is how I get better sleep and more energy for just 8 cents a day.

Why Calisthenics? My Top 3 Reasons Why!

Here are my top 3 reasons why you should train calisthenics.

Intuitive Eating vs. Calorie Counting

Which dieting strategy is right for you?

The New Dad's Guide to Staying Lean

Here's what I've done to prioritize my work, training, and physique while being a good husband and father.

Calisthenics Strength Standards

Here are my Calisthenics Strength Standards. Test yourself and see where you should start.

Lean vs. Fatty Meat. Which Should You Eat?

Let's debunk a few, BIG misconceptions around lean and fatty protein.

How to Burn Fat

I'm going to teach you exactly how I eat to burn fat and lose weight.

Exercising for the "I'm Too Busy" Crowd

Struggling with a busy schedule? I get it, especially now that my wife and I are raising a newborn baby!

My Top Supplements (2023)

Here are 5 of my top supplements I’ve taken in the past year along with my *why* behind the decision!

A Trip to Urgent Care

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at my desk writing. I felt a slight pain in my chest. The logical part of my brain says I’m not at risk.

Finding Time for Health & Fitness

How to Take Control of Your Diet & Exercise

Here's the all-in-one post to fix your diet and exercise struggles.

Recovering From an Injury. Conventional Wisdom is WRONG!

Everything you've been told about recovering from an injury is wrong. Do this instead.

The 30 Second Mortality Test

Did you know your ability to sit down and stand up can predict your mortality? This is a simple test that will only take you 30 seconds to complete.