A Trip to Urgent Care

A Trip to Urgent Care

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at my desk writing. I felt a slight pain in my chest.

The logical part of my brain says I’m not at risk.

I’m 32 years old. My resting heart rate is in the low 40s. I strength train consistently, I do cardio regularly, I do sauna regularly.

You get the point.

I want to say it’s probably nothing. And it most likely isn’t a big deal.

But with a baby boy on the way I couldn’t help but consider the worst case scenario.

What if it is a big deal?

The worst case here is a serious medical event or even death.

The weird thing is a small part of me still wanted to brush it aside as no big deal.

If it is bad, what happens to my business?

Who would trust a personal trainer who had a heart attack at 32?

Everything I’ve been working on for over a year would seemingly be for nothing.

But again, emotions got the best of me.

If this is bad, you will never forget this moment. You could have prevented this but you let your pride and ego get in the way.

So I played it safe. I went downstairs and asked my wife to drive me to urgent care.

The good news is, I’m okay. My vitals were excellent. It’s likely something as simple as bronchitis.

The bad news is, I probably wouldn’t have done it without my pregnant wife by my side.

The little man isn’t even here yet and he’s already given me a completely different outlook on life.

He’s my responsibility and I have to be around for him.

I get it. It’s so easy to procrastinate on this stuff. We say, “Oh I’ll get around to it next month.”

Before you know it months, if not years, have passed.

Why does it take a child for us to do the safe and responsible thing and look after ourselves?

Even if it’s nothing, the peace of mind of knowing it’s nothing is worth the time and money it takes to get an expert opinion.

Get blood work done to make sure everything is okay. The historical snapshot for future reference is worth it alone.

Check your family history and look up when you should start getting regular check-ups for prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc.

If you buy a used car, you get a pre-purchase inspection for this exact reason.

When’s the last time you’ve done the same for yourself?

Weirdly enough, this tweet came into my feed this morning from someone I don’t even follow.

A Trip to Urgent Care
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A Trip to Urgent Care