Bodyweight Basics: The Workouts

Bodyweight Basics: The Workouts

If you’re like me, a number on the bar isn’t what motivates you to work out.

You want strength, muscles, confidence, and attention.

What if your training could give you all of that at the same time?

If you don’t want to read the rest of this blog post just click here to get your free copy of Bodyweight Basics! I won’t be offended :)

straddle planche

Do you think you’d be scared to approach your gym crush if you could do that for everyone to see?

front lever

Do you think you’d feel insecure if jacked bodybuilders complimented you on your strength?

weighted pullup

Would you still lack confidence if people asked you questions about training just because you can do something nobody else in the gym can do?

That’s my reality.

The work I put in to the gym has paid off and I want to share my knowledge with you.

If you stick to the plan, a transformation like this is totally possible.

my physique transformation

Bodyweight Basics: The Workouts

Bodyweight Basics has everything you need to get up and running with your fitness journey.

All of the fundamental bodyweight exercises you need to master are covered in detail.

You’ll learn how to adjust these exercises to your skill level - it doesn’t matter whether they’re too easy or too difficult for you.

Don’t have dumbbells? Still waiting to buy a kettlebell?

Not a problem. Every exercise has substitutions just in case your home gym is missing anything.

sample substitution list

On the flip side, if all you have are dumbbells or a kettlebell I have dumbbell-only and kettlebell-only workouts made just for you!

Not sure how to perform an exercise? It’s all covered, twice!

Step-by-step instructions are provided in the book and everything is covered again in my instructional videos…also included for FREE!

YouTube videos

Need a helping hand to get started?

Workouts and training schedules are all provided in the book!

sample schedule

18 muscle building workouts are included (with video) along with 3 warmups.

Are you ready to get started? Click the button below to get your free copy.

I want Bodyweight Basics!

Still have questions?!

Feel free to contact me directly on Twitter or Instagram with any questions!

Bodyweight Basics: The Workouts
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Bodyweight Basics: The Workouts