Should You Bulk or Cut?

Should You Bulk or Cut?

I see this question online all the time.

Someone starts a new fitness program, they’re getting their diet in order, and they hit a crossroad.

  • Eat more to bulk and build muscle?
  • Eat less to cut and burn fat?

My answer here is easy…neither.

Bulking or cutting with less than a year of lifting experience is what’s known as a premature optimization.

You’re focusing on the little details and missing the Big Picture.

The Big Picture is that you are under-muscled.

You do not need to bulk or cut to build visible muscle.

There are only two requirements you need to meet to build muscle:

  1. Regular, consistent resistance training (I like calisthenics)
  2. Better food habits

I was in the gym for over 5 years before I ever thought about bulking or cutting.

I was focused on the real work.

  • Lifting regularly
  • Eating real food
  • Getting good sleep
  • Avoiding binge drinking and eating

Don’t get me wrong, it’s boring stuff.

But the boring stuff works!

Guess what happened to the guys in my gym who were bulking after just 3 months of lifting?

They bulked, gained weight, and quit going to the gym because the good habits weren’t a part of their lifestyle yet.

The temptation of bulking and cutting seduced them and all they had to show for it was an extra 15 pounds and none of it was muscle!

Do not make this mistake.

Avoid the temptation and do the boring work.

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