America’s Weight Is Out of Control

America’s Weight Is Out of Control

If you follow me on Instagram then you’ve seen me mention anywhere from 75 to 80 percent of Americans are overweight or obese.

Little did I know, America’s Obesity Epidemic is worse off than I thought and I already had a pessimistic opinion on the issue.

This past weekend I stumbled upon two shocking pieces of data.

🚨 The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man

The number comes from this 2015 article so if anything, it’s probably gotten worse since then.

obesity trend

That’s a significant increase in weight in a relatively short amount of time.

For the vast majority of human history, starvation to the point of death was a legitimate worry.

Today, we’re literally eating ourselves to an early death–both men and women.

But the problem only gets worse…

🚨 Nearly half of America’s overweight people don’t realize they’re overweight

Crazy, right?


Excess body fat isn’t like cancer where blood tests and medical imaging is needed to make a diagnosis.

Fatness is something we can all determine ourselves with an honest look in the mirror or through a simple BMI calculation.

💡 Click here to calculate your BMI to determine if you’re at a healthy weight.

The health effects of being fat are undeniable and fixing the issue is entirely within your control.

And yet, nearly half of people who are overweight or obese are living in complete denial.

How to Count Calories

If you’re overweight or obese, I cannot stress the importance of calorie counting even if it’s just for a month or two.

calorie counting tutorial

Just like personal finance, you need to get down to the nitty gritty numbers to guarantee change in the right direction.

I have a free video you can watch right now where I teach you how to do this, step-by-step.

How to Eat Intuitively

Even though calorie counting is the guaranteed path to results I understand some of you will absolutely refuse to do it.

intuitive eating tutorial

In that case, I have another free video you can watch where I teach you how to diet with Intuitive Eating.

This is the exact framework I used after my son was born when I wanted to stay lean without calorie counting.

America’s Weight Is Out of Control
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America’s Weight Is Out of Control