Stop Planning. Start Living.

Stop Planning. Start Living.


It’s the one big mistake beginners make.

A bit counterintuitive, right?

What makes it worse is their plan is a really good plan.

It’s just not realistic.

Optimal Is Overrated!

Humans don’t like change.

Change is why bad habits are hard to kill and new habits are hard to create.

Imagine today is your Day 1.

Look at all the new stuff you’re supposed to focus on:

  • Start new diet
  • Start new workout plan
  • Start walking daily
  • Start meal prep
  • Start drinking water
  • Stop eating junk food
  • Stop drinking soda
  • Stop going to bed late
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Stop snoozing my alarm

That’s 10 new habits and I’m intentionally keeping the list short.

What are the odds you’re going 10/10 for the next 7 days?

See the problem here?

It’s a lot at once and when people slip up–even just once–they beat themselves up and think, “What’s the point?!”

So, What IS The Point?

Consistent, sustainable change.

Build habits before lifestyles.

When you focus on the optimal, you don’t see the habits that create the lifestyle.

You try to hack the process and go straight to living the lifestyle.

But it’s not your life.

The proof is in the effort.

If it’s the lifestyle you want, why is it so hard to live it?

Stop Planning. Start Living.
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America’s Weight Is Out of Control

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Do Weekends Ruin Your Calorie Deficit?

Stop Planning. Start Living.