Andrew's Pull-up Transformation: 0 to 10+ reps!

Andrew's Pull-up Transformation: 0 to 10+ reps!

I want to share a success story with you from one of my past 1-on-1 coaching clients.

Andrew is a music teacher and when he came to me, he couldn’t do a single pull-up.

He had never worked out in his life.

In fact, he was in the exact same spot I was, years ago.

🤔 I knew I could go from 0 to 1 pull-ups…but could I do it for someone else?!

Thankfully Andrew knows what it’s like to put in the work–he didn’t become a music teacher at the best high schools in America by accident.

Andrew knew he needed to be consistent and trust the process.

He kept showing up, kept doing pull-up negatives, and pushed himself to get better.

At first, it was a more controlled negative pull-up. Then it was a stronger band-assisted pull-up.

After that, he was pairing a few normal pull-ups with negatives and banded reps.

Today? Andrew is now able to do more pull-ups in one set than he used to be able to do in an entire workout…maybe even two workouts!

andrew pullup progress 0 to 12 reps is…insane!

Remember, Andrew was an untrained music teacher–not some former college athlete.

He would be the first to say it: “If I can do a pull-up, anyone can.”

How to Do Your First Pull-Up

Good news for you!

You don’t have to join my 1-on-1 coaching program to get the same results Andrew did.

You can follow the exact same plan Andrew did with my free book, How to Do Your First Pull-Up.

how to do your first pull-up

If you do the workouts in the book, you will get your first pull-up.


So, will you get your first pull-up?

Andrew's Pull-up Transformation: 0 to 10+ reps!
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Andrew's Pull-up Transformation: 0 to 10+ reps!