Why I'm Cancelling My Gym Membership

Why I'm Cancelling My Gym Membership

It’s official. I’m cancelling my gym membership after this month.

Why? My goals have changed.

Athletic or Aesthetic?

When I first started training, I was like any other single, 25 year old guy. I wanted confidence, respect, and women. I wanted to be capable.

One of the ways I got there was by strength training, primarily with calisthenics. That worked insanely well for a long-time.

It got me a respectable physique but honestly, it doesn’t interest me enough to do it forever.

Calisthenics physique

Bodybuilding style training gets very repetitive and after a certain point, most of the attention you get is from other men.

When it comes to my body, I’m more concerned with being athletic than purely aesthetic. I say purely because aesthetics do matter to a certain point, it’s just not my primary goal.

What’s Next?

Sure, I’m cancelling my gym membership but I’m not done with my training. Not even close.

So what’s my plan? I have three big buckets.

Calisthenics & bodyweight skills

I have a well equipped home gym that’s ready to go for my calisthenics training: adjustable dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bar, dip bars, reverse hyper, etc.

I have a lot of things going against me when it comes to bodyweight training (my height and weight) but I’m motivated to see how far I can push myself even with these two variables working against me.


This past week I went bouldering 3 times with my friend Ji at a new gym that just opened up in Atlanta.

I loved bouldering the handful of times I went last year but this new gym is just too good to pass up.

Stone Summit Bouldering 1

Stone Summit Bouldering 2

The best part of bouldering is how well it transfers to calisthenics training and vice versa.

Plus it gives me something active to do that doesn’t always feel like a traditional “workout”.

I’m going to document my progress with bouldering vlogs on my YouTube channel if you care to follow along with my journey.

And if you happen to be in the Atlanta area at any point, please contact me and I’d be more than happy to have you join me some time!

Jump rope

Finally, we have jump rope. This serves two purposes for me: cardio and it’s fun.

The cardio part is self-explanatory. The fun part is similar to bouldering.

Jump rope is a way to get me active while keeping it fun so that it doesn’t feel like most cardio.

If I was just doing jump rope, it’d probably just feel like any other form of cardio.

But when you combine it with tricks?

Now you have new skills to work on and unlock to keep your training fun and fresh.

How Do You Train?

Well there’s my new training plan for the rest of this year! Keep in mind, this is my plan even with a baby boy on the way in April!

We’ll see how that goes lol!

But I want to hear from you!

What does your current training plan look like? Do you need some help with ideas?

Get in touch with me and let me know!


Why I'm Cancelling My Gym Membership
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Why I'm Cancelling My Gym Membership