No Equipment Calisthenics Exercises

No Equipment Calisthenics Exercises

Don’t have access to a gym? It’s all good!

Here are 5 of my favorite No Equipment Calisthenics Exercises to build muscles and strength anytime, anywhere!

1. Pushup

The pushup is the go-to bodyweight pushing exercise.

It scales to any strength level whether you’re a complete beginner or an advanced calisthenics athlete.

I do easier variations regularly during my warmups and harder variations during my strength training sessions.

Bodyweight Pushup

Incline Pushup (Easier Variation)

If you’re not quite ready for bodyweight pushups, try out incline pushups instead!

Incline Pushup

2. Bodyweight Row

If a pushup is the go-to bodyweight exercise for pushing, the bodyweight row is right up there for pulling.

I’d personally put the pullup as #1 but it’s difficult! If you’re not ready for that yet, start with bodyweight rows instead!

Bodyweight Decline Row

Decline BW Row

Bodyweight Row (Easier Variation)

BW Row

But wait! You’re using dip bars and a pullup bar! You’re right, but these rows can be done with a table as well. These tools just make them more convenient to do.

3. Squat

Don’t become a meme by skipping leg day!

Our legs are the powerhouse of our body and we should train them even if we don’t want our legs to look like a bodybuilder.

Bodyweight Squat

BW Squat

Bench Squat (Easier Variation)

Bench Squat

4. Pike Pushup

The Pushup gives us our horizontal pushing motion. The Pike Pushup gives us our vertical pushing motion.

If you’re not sure what I mean by “vertical” and “horizontal” movements, I’d highly recommend checking out this YouTube video I made about fundamental movement patterns.

Elevated Pike Pushup

Elevated Pike Pushup

Pike Pushup (Easier Variation)

Pike Pushup

5. Core

I’ll be honest, I neglected core for a lot of my training over the past few years. You can still build a great physique without it though!

But over the past few months, I’ve really been focused on core strength and hip flexor strength. Don’t be like me and wait until you notice the negative effects.


Navasana Easier


If you’re struggling to do the easier variation of Navasana, you can always just plank instead!


Bodyweight Basics

I hope this list of No Equipment Calisthenics Exercises has inspired you to get up and move your body.

Limited space and time shouldn’t be a limiting factor!

If you’re ready to take your strength training to the next level, I’d recommend getting a copy of my free book Bodyweight Basics.

In the book you’ll be introduced to all of my favorite bodyweight exercises - you’ve already seen a few here!

You’ll also get access to 18 video workouts and 3 video warmups where I walk you through each and every exercise.

Get started by getting your copy today!

No Equipment Calisthenics Exercises
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No Equipment Calisthenics Exercises