Why Calisthenics? My Top 3 Reasons Why!

Why Calisthenics? My Top 3 Reasons Why!

Why should you train calisthenics?

That’s the question I want to answer today.

I’ll keep it simple.

Here’s my top 3 reasons why.


The most important reason of all.

You should train calisthenics because it is functional.

It is functional because you are learning how to use and control your own bodyweight.

And if you can manage your bodyweight with calisthenics exercises, you are more than ready for whatever life is going to throw your way!

My wife and I were at the mall the other day and noticed an older lady bracing to step off of a curb that was no higher than 4 inches.

Does that woman need barbell squats and leg presses? No!

She needs to be doing bodyweight movements.

Squats, lunges, step-ups, hip thrusts, etc!


Another great reason to train calisthenics is that it is always available.

I know guys who “can’t train” unless they have a squat rack or bench.

Those guys are giving themselves a built-in excuse not to train.

When you train with calisthenics, you never have that excuse.

You may not have a pull-up bar around to do pull-ups but you can still get in a great full-body workout without it!

calisthenics for beginners Calisthenics for Beginners | Complete Step-by-Step Guide

If you want to know how to get started with calisthenics I recommend checking out my “Calisthenics for Beginners” video.

It has everything you need to get started!


The last reason you should train calisthenics is the variety it gives you.

If you lift weights, that’s really all there is to do. Maybe some cardio here and there.

But with calisthenics, you have options: strength or skills.

handstand transformation Bodyweight skills bring variety to your training!

Bodyweight skills are great for showing off!

But more importantly, they’re amazing for keeping you motivated and consistent.

There are days you don’t feel like strength training. We all have them.

Rather than skip training entirely, why not grind a skill like handstands instead?

Remember, the most important part of fitness is moving your body consistently, long-term.

Calisthenics can do that for you.

Why Calisthenics? My Top 3 Reasons Why!
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Why Calisthenics? My Top 3 Reasons Why!