Gentlemen, Can You Pull-Up?

Gentlemen, Can You Pull-Up?

The pull-up is my go-to benchmark for men.

Why? Because it shines a light on two big issues.

Strength and Size.

If you cannot do a pull-up one or both of these is an issue that needs to be fixed.


If you can’t do a pull-up, you’re not as strong as you should be.

At a bare minimum, men should be able to do 5-10 pull-ups.

With that said, the pull-up is a bodyweight exercise so strength isn’t the only limiting factor.


What could be holding you back is your size.

In other words, you might be too fat to do a pull-up.

Drop a few pounds and you’ll make the pull-up significantly easier to do.

How To Do Your First Pull-Up

You may not know this but I spent most of my life in the “can’t do a pull-up” crowd.

The exercise felt impossible and figuring out how to do an exercise that felt impossible also felt…impossible?

Where do I even start?!?!

The good news for you is I can help you get your first pull-up.

how to do your first pull-up

I took the workouts I used to get my first pull-up, made some improvements, and tested it on one my 1-on-1 coaching clients.

Andrew couldn’t do a single pull-up when he started working with me.

After 1.5 months of coaching, he got his first pull-up.

After 3 months, he was doing 3-4 pull-ups.

Today? He’s closing in on 10 strict form pull-ups.

You can follow the exact process I used with Andrew for free, right now!

how to do your first pull-up Andrew went from 0 to 10+ reps!

The book is 100% free, no strings attached.

It has all of the exercises you need to do and the workout plans to get there.

Follow the plan outlined in the book and you’ll be repping pull-ups like Andrew in no time!

Bodyweight Bodybuilder Bootcamp

Andrew’s results seem impressive, right?

He was able to achieve results like this through my 12 week Bodyweight Bodybuilder Bootcamp.

It’s an intense, 12 week program to get you as lean and muscular as possible with bodyweight fitness.

ryan's first handstand Ryan learned how to do his first handstand!

If you’re ready to make a life-changing decision like Andrew and Ryan, you can book a free exploratory call with me here.

Gentlemen, Can You Pull-Up?
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Gentlemen, Can You Pull-Up?