Do Nasal Strips Increase Performance?

Do Nasal Strips Increase Performance?

What if I promised you…

  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Improved lung capacity
  • Lowered risk of snoring
  • More efficient breathing
  • Better athletic performance
  • Higher output during cardio

For only 8 cents?

Allow me to introduce you to nasal strips.

They changed my life, forever.

You see, your nose is the first organ of your respiratory (aka breathing) system. It’s designed to help you breathe safely and efficiently.

Unfortunately, many people today are mouth breathers whether they realize it or not.

This is not only an inefficient way to breathe but it also affects the development of your teeth and face.

nasal breathing face structure Before and after mouth breathing!

Trust me, mouth breathing is not natural.

My 5 month old baby is proof. I can hear him nasal breathing all the time. How else could you breathe with a pacifier or bottle in your mouth?

But as we age, we develop bad habits.

Mouth breathing. Hunched back. Bad posture. Tight hips.

Think of nasal strips as a little boost for better breathing habits.

When I put one on for the first time, it felt like I’d never properly breathed out of my nose. The difference was that noticeable.

The sensation was 10x stronger when I did cardio for the first time.

It felt like I was on a performance enhancing drug. I didn’t get tired as fast and my heart rate didn’t seem to increase as fast as it normally would.

Today, they’re a part of my life. I always have them around.

I’m religious about wearing one when I sleep. I wear one when I do cardio. I sometimes wear one when I’m just working around the house.

Just wearing them has made me more conscious of nasal breathing and that alone is worth the price!

If you want to know my top recommendations for nasal strips, I just released a video covering 5 different strips.

nasal strip youtube thumbnail

It’s available to watch right now on YouTube!

Do Nasal Strips Increase Performance?
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Do Nasal Strips Increase Performance?