Exercising for the "I'm Too Busy" Crowd

Exercising for the

Struggling with a busy schedule?

I totally get it, especially now that my wife and I are raising a newborn baby!

Yeah, that happened! I’m officially a dad!

The bad news? Life is busier than ever…in a good way :)

The good news? This new chapter in my life has given me another opportunity to learn how to prioritize my health and fitness…even with a busy schedule.

You see, I’ve been through this process before even though this is my first child.

1️⃣ Single with a full-time job

This is when I first decided to start training.

The obstacles? Very little freedom to choose when I would train. I either had to wake up earlier or train after work.

Of course that meant I would be tired from work which meant I was more likely to skip.

In the end I sucked it up and woke up earlier, usually around 5am.

2️⃣ Single with a full-time, remote job.

Welcome to 100% time freedom! The cost? A 33% cut to my salary and to be totally transparent, that cut knocked me out of making 6 figures a year.

In the end, it was totally worth it but it was a sacrifice few would be willing to make.

…you could say the same thing about making time to exercise 🙊

The obstacles here? Remote work made me lazier with work which in turn made me more likely to skip training. This phase was great for developing self-discipline.

You train so you look better in the mirror but you become more disciplined in the process. This is really what separates you from everyone else.

3️⃣ Full-time freelancing & COVID

I still had time freedom but now I was not only responsible for working, I was responsible for finding new clients.

Add the 2020 lockdown to this, being forced to train at home with distractions all around me?

More excuses not to train. More time to develop discipline.

4️⃣ Full-time parenting

I haven’t been a dad for long but I’ve already had to adjust my training schedule, workouts, and expectations.

Train when I can, not when I want to. Train at home rather than driving to a gym. Combine my cardio with baby by going on walks outside.

That kind of stuff.

At the end of the day, my son is just another variable to consider when it comes to managing my time.

He has needs and he comes first. It’s up to me to figure out how I fit in work, exercise, family time, errands, cooking, cleaning, and everything else that needs to be done into my day.

What are the obstacles in your way? What does your schedule look like? What do you need to do to make time for self-improvement?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself if you really want to take this seriously.

Of course, I’m here to help.

But if you really want to fast track your way to guaranteed results, book a call with me. It’s 100% free.

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Exercising for the