How to Burn Fat

How to Burn Fat

Get ready. I’m going to teach you exactly how I eat to burn fat and lose weight.

📺 If you don’t want to read you can just watch this video instead.

The most important thing to understand is all diets are exactly the same.

If you want to lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit — the zone on the left where you eat fewer calories than you burn in a day.

test These calorie numbers are only to illustrate the point.

How you go about getting into your own caloric deficit zone is where diets come in.

  1. Keto/Atkins? You’re reducing calories by cutting out carbs - 1 of 3 macronutrients.
  2. Low Fat? Once again, reducing calories by cutting out a macronutrient, fat.
  3. Portion Control? You eat all 3 macros but you cut a little bit from each one.
  4. Intermittent Fasting? You reduce calories by limiting when you can eat which usually cuts one meal out of your day.
  5. Carnivore? Limited calories by eating primarily protein with a little fat.

There’s plenty to debate about which diet(s) make you healthier.

But for the purposes of weight loss? They all “work” by making it easy and intuitive for you to naturally cut your calorie intake.

test Viewed as a pie chart you can see it’s usually one slice that’s removed to hit a caloric deficit.

This is why it doesn’t make sense to argue about which diets “work”.

They all do if done correctly.

Combine this with a few other strategies and you’re really starting to set yourself up for real, noticeable results.

  1. No sugar or limited sugar - Substitute your soda for diet soda. Eat fruit instead of candy. Choose reduced sugar options (low sugar beef jerky).
  2. No liquid calories - As much as possible avoid drinking your calories. I opt for diet soda, no sugar Gatorade/Powerade, coffee, and soda water.
  3. No snacking - Eat filling, protein dominant meals with plenty of vegetables to help avoid the urge to snack. If you do snack, choose better options like protein bars, beef jerky, yogurt, fruit, etc. Pick one of the dieting options above, follow the 3 strategies outlined just above this, and you can burn fat and lose weight without tracking calories.

But if you prefer calorie counting — it’s a totally legitimate way to diet! — you should seriously watch this video. I walk you through all the formulas, math, and use myself as an example to create a sample meal plan for you to use as a guide.

🙋‍♂️ Got a question about dieting? Get in touch with me and I will be more than happy to help!

How to Burn Fat
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How to Burn Fat