The 30 Second Mortality Test

The 30 Second Mortality Test

Did you know your ability to sit down and stand up can predict your mortality?

This is a simple test that will only take you 30 seconds to complete.

Here’s the test 👇

Sitting-Rising Test

To do this test start in a standing position. From standing, sit down on the floor and then stand back up.

You start with a score of 10. For each limb you need to use to support yourself going up or down, you subtract a point.

  • Hand used for support: -1 point
  • Knee used for support: -1 point
  • Forearm used for support: -1 point
  • Hand on knee or thigh for support: -1 point

So let’s say you used 1 knee to sit down and then used one hand to stand up. Your total score would be 8 points.

Sitting-Rising Score

The original study was done on patients between the ages of 51 and 80 but the results are shocking.

Scores lower than 8 points were 2x as likely to die within the next 6 years than those who scored higher.

The good news is, each point increase was associated with a 21% decrease in all cause mortality.

If you’re in your 20s and 30s and you score anything below a 9 or 10, you have some work to do.

The results of those scores are alarming enough if you’re 51 years old or older.

But what is your trajectory if you’re in your 30s and you score an 8 or lower?

Not great.

Learn to stand

So what’s the fix?

The most important way to address this is to start moving more often.

Walk, do yoga, lift weights, whatever.

You could even do some bodyweight exercises I showed you in Bodyweight Basics 😉

But it’s also worth taking the time to learn how to get off the ground.

One of my favorites would be the Cross Squat Get Up.

From there you can move on to the slightly more difficult Squat Get Up.

As you get comfortable, slowly reduce the amount of momentum generated by rolling off your back until you can get up without assistance from a seated position.

👉 If you want personalized 1-on-1 training to help you meet your lifestyle goals you can book a free call with me here to discuss your needs.

The 30 Second Mortality Test
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The 30 Second Mortality Test